Internet of Things and E-Mobility Services
Internet of Things and protocols. In case of e-mobility we are experienced with implementation of Open Charge Point Protocol OCPP. For serialization of OCPP messages we use existing open source library, the implementation of use cases like: charging session, reserve charger or authentication we handle with message broker RabbitMQ, distributed task queue Celery and microservices. One of the most important things to consider when integrating a thousands of IoT is avoiding bottle necks and creating architecture that can be scaled, message broker which store incoming messages in queues and allow to consume them by multiple parties is the best choice.
For one of our e-mobility projects we are creating open source library that covers implementation of Open Charge Point Interface (OCPI) protocol to allow P2P communication between Central Systems.
We will help You with creation of libraries and software that will allow to read data from Your IoT and integrate it with Your existing infrastructure or creating one that is highly scalable.